Many drivers are often found with a lack of illumination on the road. For most people on the way to work, it’s still dark, and on the way home it is already dark.
In these cases, motorists are thinking about changing or finalizing optics. In this case, there are several options:
Can be installed in regular headlights, stronger lamps. It must be understood that in this case an additional load on the battery will occur. This is a budget, but not too safe option for your car;
Installation of additional optics and fog headlights. This method is bad in that due to the low location of the headlights are quickly polluted.
Installation of a more powerful optics. It will be necessary to find a suitable optics for your car, which does not always succeed;
Installation of bixenon lamps or lenses. The most modern of all the proposed solutions.
Xenon is inert gas. The cheapest way is the installation of ordinary bixenon. The main drawback of this method is to blind the participants in the oncoming traffic, and problems may also appear when undergoing inspection.
Before going to the store to purchase xenon bilinzes, it is necessary to determine several parameters. It will be necessary to determine the type of basement in your optics. Measure the width, height and depth of the lamp. Inspect the diffuser. If it is corrugated, then installing additional lighting in such a headlight will be problematic. In this case, you will have to polish it to remove the corrugation. Moreover, the glass dispersion will be more difficult to polish than plastic. It is also advisable to determine how the headlight is removed before buying a new optics. If this could not be clearly determined, read the necessary literature and information on the Internet. This is necessary to determine the volume of work. You will be able to advise in the store in the store. Tuning installation is a freelance situation, so take a ruler with you to choose a suitable set. When buying, do not forget to take a warranty card.
After buying a set of bixenon lenses, you need to make a decision, you will install them yourself, or contact this in a hundred. For self -installation, you will need to mount the lenses in the headlights, for this it will be necessary to dismantle the headlights from the car.
Even after installing lenses in the headlights, you will not be able to use them until the end of the complete installation of the entire kit. Which will need at least 4 hours.