In fact, this is not so difficult to do. But the work is very laborious and takes a lot of time. You can say that you can safely buy any tile in the store and bother.
I agree with you, dear readers, but it also happens that you want to do it yourself, or the problem with delivery, not everything is in order with finances. It is worth considering that one such tile is worth, the smallest, 200 r.
How to make paving slabs yourself
Based on these considerations, sometimes it makes sense to make the tile yourself.
For the manufacture of tiles, cement, sand, small pebbles or small broken brick will be required. All this should be prepared in advance in sufficient quantities.
Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the shape and size of the tile. Then make several forms. Forms should be made of wood and be sure to be collapsible.
So that finished tiles can be well removed, you need to prepare, preliminary a working surface on the ground. To do this, you need to select an even area, cut the turf from it. The surface should be perfectly flat. Pour a layer of sifted river sand on clean earth. On this surface, you need to install forms. They must be installed separately (so that there are gaps between forms).
Now everything is ready for the manufacture of tiles. It is here that your product will happen.
Now make cement at the rate of 1 part of cement for 3 parts of sand (this is if you have a brand cement 400). I recommend making it so that it is more reliable and with a margin of strength. In addition, then pebbles or a broken small brick will also be added there.
The finished cement solution should be very well mixed and not be thick. He must completely fill the entire shape, leaving no free spaces. This must be paid to special attention.
So. The solution is ready. You can start filling in the shape. But before, you should make sure that your forms do not spread from the solution, and they could then be easily disassembled. It is easy to do this. You just need to put all the sides of the shape of the sand. He will keep it well, and then you can easily analyze the forms.
Когда раствор разлит по формам, для прочности и надежности, необходимо в каждую форму положить мелкую гальку или битый кирпич. They must be drowned in the solution so that they are inside and do not touch each other. This procedure will give your tiles additional strength. The thickness of the tiles should be at least 10 centimeters.
After that, you should thoroughly smooth the surface and leave to dry for a day. If there is a desire to make the surface of the patterned tile, then you can come up with a simple pattern and when the surface begins to grasp (after 30 minutes), then squeeze it out on each surface.
I did, for example, a wavy line. Took a thick electric cable, arched it in waves and squeezed it out on each tile. The result was a great template. And the patterns turned out just beautiful. Both beautiful and in slippery weather, the legs did not roll.
How to make paving slabs yourself
After a day you can carefully disassemble the forms and get your first tiles. Put these tiles somewhere under a canopy and leave to lie down again. Let them finally dry.
And you can continue again to make the next few tiles. So you will make the required amount of your tile and build an excellent sidewalk from your own tiles.
And there is also the opportunity to give your tile any color. But this will already cost additional costs. But, I think that for this you can spend a little. It will be very beautiful after all.
To do this, pour some color into the solution. Suitable, for example, Koler. It is different colors and the choice is already yours.
But the fact is that the cement mortar does not like to change color, absorbing everything with his grayish tint. And to change the color, you need to pour a lot of tint. And this will already cost extra money.
Here we will have to decide for ourselves whether or not to spend money.