Currently, many legal organizations provide assistance to citizens when filing claims to the court. You can use their services at any time and anywhere. Despite this, situations happen in life when it is necessary to file a lawsuit yourself. Maybe you do not have enough money to pay for specialists. Sometimes the payment of a lawyer will be higher than the subject of the claim itself. In most cases, I do not want to devote someone to my personal affairs. If you plan to engage in social activities, the skills of independent appeal to the court will be very useful. In public organizations, the need to go to court arises much more often than ordinary citizens. The ability to independently sue the court will allow you to acquire good skills in various life situations.
In order to independently apply to the court, legal education is not necessarily. It will be enough to independently study several articles of the Civil Procedure Code and get acquainted with elementary knowledge of the civil process.
If the conflict was not allowed peacefully, it is necessary to resolve the dispute in court. You can file a lawsuit in the district court at your place of residence or apply to the justice of the peace. The responsibility of the justice of the peace includes consideration of only issues about divorce, when spouses do not have disagreements about children and dividing property of less than 50 thousand rubles. All other cases are considered in the district court.
It is important to know that the lawsuit is filed in court at the defendant’s place of residence or at the address of the organization. If the defendant in your claim is in another city, you will have to go there.
In addition to the main package of documents, it is necessary to attach copies for sending to the defendants if there are several.
The price of the claim consists of several parts. First of all, this is the amount of material damage. In addition, penalties, penalties and fines are included here. You can also evaluate the so -called moral damage. It is best if all the amounts you declared is evidenced by documentary. Please note that you determine the price of the claim yourself, but the judge has the right to reduce it at his discretion.
The last stage is the registration of a statement of claim in the Court’s office. Within 5 days, you are required to inform the date and time of the preliminary meeting of the court.