Alexander Vilkul, who is the deputy minister of the country, shared with the correspondents of our real estate resource with his forecasts regarding the development of the state program for the activation of “affordable housing”. According to the official’s forecasts, the preliminary activation program for this period of time has almost completely completed. The final option for this program will be presented to the general public closer to the end of January of the month. In particular, the correspondents of our resource became aware that a more detailed program will determine its increasing accessibility. Thus, we can talk about the full implementation of everything that was previously conceived by the country’s government in the planets of ensuring the local population more affordable residential real estate. The relevant plans were fully defined by Alexander Vilkul, immediately after the completion of the next meeting of the government of the country. At the same time, the attention of the official was focused on the fact that at the moment the study of all available state programs for social and affordable housing in order to ultimately find out how the models is the most effective. For such high -quality and deep analysis, experts in real estate and implementation of state programs were involved in the government. The fact that foreign experts working under the Ministry of Regional Construction were also involved in the program and the program were also noteworthy. All regions of Ukraine are currently analyzed, depending on this, the relevant programs will be adjusted. For this period of time, the entire database with land plots, which are planned to be assigned directly to the construction, is to be updated.
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Фахівці відносять арбітраж трафіку до найбільш динамічних галузей. Зміни забезпечують використовувані технології, вподобання клієнтів і наявні умови на ринку. У...