There are various brands of women’s bags. The most prestigious items are produced by famous fashion houses, and the items are sold at high prices.
Among luxury brands, Bottega Veneta bags stand out.
This brand produces a variety of women’s handbags. Among the extensive range of products, it is worth highlighting the following handbag:
- Shoppers. They have a hard bottom and soft walls. These products are made relatively large, at least 40 cm wide. They can be created with an open top, or have a zipper here. They are equipped with small handles for carrying. Used for shopping and shopping.
- Small items such as clutches, wallets, purses. They can be carried in the hands, or equipped with a chain or belt to be placed on the shoulder. The size does not exceed 15 cm in width. They store keys, bank cards, smartphones, lipstick.
- Universal options with a hard bottom and a frame that holds the shape of the bag. They are created in widths from 20 to 45 cm and are equipped with small handles. They are used for everyday wear and for placing a variety of items, including a variety of cosmetics.
- The hobo is a small soft bag with a semicircular shape at the bottom. Also used for small purchases in stores.
- Travel bags are quite large.
- Tablet bags have a rectangular shape and are equipped with a shoulder strap.
- Kellys have a trapezoidal appearance, a rigid frame and a shoulder strap.
Similar products are also produced by other companies, for example, you can buy Dior handbags.
When selecting bags, you need to decide on its purpose and in what conditions it will be used. For example, shopping bags and hobos should not be taken with you to a restaurant or to a party; clutches will look appropriate in the theater, but not on the beach. The most common model to choose from are utility bags with a rigid frame and medium capacity.
When purchasing, you should also definitely take into account your wardrobe, what clothes and shoes the bag will go with, and what style it will help you create. We need harmony in color and shape.
Bottega Veneta is most often made from genuine leather. It can be smooth veal, or crocodile with a characteristic texture. It is worth considering this factor in combination with the purpose of the bag and the clothes with which it will be worn.
It is required to buy products in trusted stores that provide all documents about the authenticity of the goods.