When a child is born, the family is reassessing values, because now you need to think not only about the needs of two adults, but also about a baby who also has his own desires and needs. Usually, even such small expenses result in a rather solid amount, and each family decides for himself whether it can add the same or not to this amount or not. Now we are talking about another child who will need as much attention and care and as much pleasant, but tangible expenses.
How to decide on a second child
In our country, it is the material side of the issue that can postpone the desired dream of another baby for many years. After all, you need to think about the child who has already appeared and about his future, and if you take into account at what speed prices rise and how shaky financial situation as a whole, now not every family can decide on the second baby. But not everything is as sad as it seems, because the concept of “expenses” in one family and the other has completely different. That is, if someone is used to living “on a scale”, and every day pleases the child with a new toy, then in another family they can live more modestly, but it does not mean that less happily, it all depends on the adults themselves, how they are used to spending money and that Consider more important.
If you discard all financial issues, then of course there should be more than one babies in the family. This is not only the joy of new smiles, fun laughter and the sweet of two babies, but also the benefits of the psychological side for the first child. It is known that in a family where there is more than one child, every baby learns faster than self -service skills, therefore, he will be able to quickly adapt to kindergarten, saving his parents from the torment of conscience that the child is not yet ready for the kindergarten, and the work does not wait for the work. In addition, children develop better, constantly watching each other, learn to share, help and care about each other. You can often see a 5-year-old girl with pleasure to mess with a one-year-old brother, allowing her mother to solve economic issues or just relax after a book. And the older brother proudly teaches the younger brother to ride a bicycle or roller skates. A child who has brothers or sisters is more balanced, despite that constant noise and a gam who certainly prevails in a house where there are children.
How to decide on a second child
Sometimes a mother really wants a second baby, but is too worried about repeated pain in childbirth, especially if the first birth has passed heavily. But you should not worry about this, because no matter how the first births have passed, the latter will not be similar to them like the third and so on. This is an absolutely separate process and how it will pass, depends only on the skill of doctors, the positive mood of the future mother and how the pregnancy has passed. Of course, fears associated with childbirth are quite natural, but we must not forget that any pain does not last forever, and the joy of meeting with the baby will be another wonderful moment in life.
How to decide on a second child
If we consider all of the above, deciding on the second baby will be quite easy, especially when you take into account some pleasant moments besides birth. If we take into account the fear of many women to say goodbye to a beautiful figure, you need to remember how quickly extra pounds leave, during breastfeeding and how beautiful a woman becomes after the birth of another baby. Of course, sleepless nights will not go anywhere, but it is proven that the second children are always calmer than when the child is alone, and even the baby is quite possible for a couple of minutes even one and a half year old crumb. Therefore, there is no doubt and if the desire to give birth to a second baby is great, then you must definitely implement this dream in life, because children are happiness, no matter how trite it sounds.