Fashion for “Japanese” in our country is amazing. We not only use the technique of Sonya, Toshiba and Panasonic companies – we are more deeply “impregnated” by the culture of the country of the rising sun. At every step, the sushi-bars, on the Internet, discuss anime and manga, Japanese crosswords gradually catch up with the usual popularity. Another puzzle beloved by the Japanese, Japanese mosaic, came to Russia. Here, as a result of solving the problem, a picture also appears, but the principle of its construction is completely special!
How to solve a Japanese mosaic
Remember once a very, very popular computer game “Saper”. As soon as you click on the cell, and the dial in it showed how many bombs are nearby. This puzzle is built on a close principle. Only the numbers in the cells show another parameter – the number of painted cells adjacent to it, counting this cell itself. In other words, if we see nine in the cell, then it and all adjacent eight cells should be shaved. If a nolik – on the contrary, around is empty. This is a simple layout, but there may be intermediate options ..
How to solve a Japanese mosaic
We begin to solve the puzzles from the most, simple elements. Cells, which, as we already know, will be empty, we mark the points. What will be filled – stroke. And our first task is to go through the entire field of puzzles in search of zeros and nine. We fill in the cells adjacent to zero, and to nine with strokes. Pay special attention to the cells adjacent to the edges of the puzzle. There, in order to cover with strokes and the cage itself, and everything that borders borders on it, you need six, not nine, not nine. After all, on the one hand, the cell is empty, which means “minus three fields”. After that, the picture will not become clearer, but solving the puzzle will become much easier.
Say, in our example, the right lower corner is unraveled almost completely. Pay attention to the four and the three in the lowest line. There are already, respectively, four and three shackled cells. So, other cells nearby will be empty. Fill them with dots. But above the zero from the very right edge we see the four. Under it are two empty cells, since because of the lower zero we cannot shake them. So, out of six possible cells there are four. We need to paint them, because they surround the four!
How to solve a Japanese mosaic
Start acting from any shackled or, conversely, filled with points of the region. Here, for example, at the top to the filled block, a single. She is already adjacent to one black cell, which means that all other cells around will be white. And inside the shared area we see a six, near which the “norm according to the shaded cells” has already been completed. Points in free places near it. As a result, it becomes clear, what should we do with a trie who adjoined our old familiar one! There are already two shaded cells near it, and the third can only stand in the last place, free from the points symbolizing our white color. So gradually, step by step, the dial behind the doll move around the game field, solving a puzzle. If suddenly somewhere you doubt, leave this piece of space alone and move to where everything is clear.
How to solve a Japanese mosaic
Please note that the cell itself with the number does not have to be a shade! In many cases it turns out to be empty. If you do not observe this rule, you can apply stupid and gross errors.
In addition, if possible, try to advance systematically, for example, from one corner. If you solve the puzzle in pieces, then there, there, the likelihood of inattentiveness will noticeably grow up. And if you still did something wrong, the washing gum will help!
As a result of this long and complex puzzle, a picture should be obtained – an owl with two owls. But a simpler example. It shows a step by step how to solve the Japanese mosaic, as a result of which it will be born … not a Japanese hero at all. And Disney (American) Mickey Mouse beloved by children!
How to solve a Japanese mosaic
Here, empty cells offer to fill with oblique lines, not dots. And the rest of the principle is completely the same as in our instructions.